2021 and Beyond

Countless hours of productive work time are lost each year due to illness … and that was before 2020.

We’re all a little obsessed with public health these days.

Social distancing, wiping services, wearing masks.

But as we’ve seen, these measures can only do so much.

Putting the pandemic behind us is just the start.

For yourself, for others, for a healthier world … go Zengo!

Breathe Freely

We’re all sick of masks.

Zengo knows.

Simply pull out Zengo when you feel a cough or sneeze coming.

Then go about your day … breathing free.

Stop the Spread

Your elbow is far from foolproof.

Zengo’s got you covered.

It completely covers the mouth and nose to block the spread of germs during sneezing/coughing.

Care for Your Community

The last thing you want to do is get other people sick.

Zengo cares.

It’s as simple and easy to use as ready, set, Zengo!

Give Public Health a Helping Hand

Every cough or sneeze means potential transmission of contagious and infectious microbes in our vastly connected world.

Stop the germs before they get moving.

Zengo is a readily accessible, respiratory filtration device that halts the spread before it can start.

How it works?

Zengo has an opening on the top and a removable filter (n95) that you simply cough or sneeze into when you are sick.

Catch airborne bacteria and viruses instead of contaminating your environment.

You can choose between a dishwasher safe reusable filter or a disposable filter.

Protect Your People Now

Whoever or wherever you are, Zengo can help you improve community health and decrease lost time at work.

Healthcare facilities



Everyday households

Everyone everywhere can begin creating a more pure environment.

For a Healthier World.

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all the latest updates.


“ Tackle is great. I have 2 kids, one girl and one boy. I got a kit for both of them when they started hitting puberty. It gives them everything they need and teaches them a valuable lesson about growing up at the same time.”

Candace Laurence, Mother, 45



I came here to acquire the shape of my body I had half a year ago. I was quite surprised with a range of services they offered me.Moreover, you can benefit from their group training.

Alisa Milano

Designer at Viper Ltd.

I have had the phenomenal pleasure of working out with Gym coaches as a client and friend throughout the course of the last year. Their magnetic personalities ensure that a friendship will inevitably develop throughout the training course.

Julia Smith

Manager at iStep Co.

I came here to acquire the shape of my body I had half a year ago. I was quite surprised with a range of services they offered me.Moreover, you can benefit from their group training.

Alisa Milano

Designer at Viper Ltd.